1. Revolutionary days: the Iran hostage crisis and The Hague Claims Tribunal: a look back
Author: Andreas F. Lowenfeld, Lawrence W. Newman, John M. Walker, co-chairmen
Library: State Department Library (Tehran)
Subject: Iran-United States Claims Tribunal -- Congresses,United States -- Claims vs. Iran -- Congresses,Economic sanctions, American -- Iran -- Congresses,Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979-1981 -- Congresses
Classification :

2. Revolutionary days:the Iran hostage crisis and the Hague Claims Tribunal: a look back: record of a conference held at NewYork university school of law on the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Algiers Accords Junuary 19 -20, 1996
Author: / Andreas, F. Lowenfeld, Lawrence W. Newman, John M. Walker
Library: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)
Subject: ایران -- تاریخ -- جمهوری اسلامی، ۱۳۵۸ - -- اشغال سفارت آمریکا، ۱۳۵۸ - -- کنگرهها,تحریم اقتصادی -- ایران -- کنگرهها,ایالات متحده -- دعاوی علیه ایران -- کنگرهها,دیوان داوری دعاوی ایران -- ایالات متحدهIran-united Stales Claims Tribunal
Classification :
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